Documentaries worth watching: Q2 2020

Here are a few documentaries that our household enjoyed watching recently:

1. Please Vote For Me

The film follows the elections for class monitor in a 3rd grade class of eight-year-old children in the Evergreen Primary School in Wuhan, China. The seemly trivial premise for this film, will leave you introspecting. Watch it on Youtube.


2. Hail Satan

The film talks about a political activist group that is working on preserving the separation of church and state. Watch it on Netflix or Youtube.


3. Hillary

The documentary retells the story of the former presidential candidate’s life and career, Hillary Clinton. What stood out to me about this film is learning the depth of challenges that women still face in their careers. Watch it on Netflix.


4. American Factory | 美国工厂

This film is about a Chinese company, Fuyao, that takes over a shuttered General Motors plant. It won the 2019 Oscars for Best Documentary — that’s all you need to know. Watch it on Netflix.


5. Zion

This is an 11-min documentary film following Zion Clark, born without legs, growing up in foster care, and became a wrestler. (Who’s cutting onions?) Watch it on Netflix.

