Introducing My Scholarship at the University of Waterloo

My interest in the topic of diversity and inclusion started in 2017 when we at StackAdapt produced a documentary exploring the issue of diversity in the technology industry. The documentary included an examination of the “pipeline problem” – namely, how the comparatively low numbers of BIPOC individuals who study computer sciences and engineering, in turn, contributes to the lack of diversity in these areas in the workforce.

Two months ago I wrote about my plan to launch a scholarship:

The scholarship will cover the first year of tuition for one student who otherwise would likely not be able to attend the program (indeed might not even apply) due to their financial position. The scholarship will be available to students of computer and software engineering. I have two main reasons for choosing this discipline. Firstly, in the era of “software is eating the world”, knowledge of computer programming can unlock a multitude of interesting and remunerative career opportunities, thus providing a stepping stone for upward socioeconomic mobility. Second, these highly sought-after programs tend to be cost-prohibitive to those who could arguably benefit the most from the remuneration and opportunities this type of education can offer. My thinking on the matter is straightforward: if this scholarship gets one more person into a great school, into a great program, who wouldn’t otherwise be able to attend, then I think I have succeeded.

Today I am excited to share some details now that the scholarship has been finalized!

Vitaly Pecherskiy Entrance Award at the University of Waterloo:

 ·     Designated for Black or Indigenous students in the Computer, Management, Mechatronics, Software or Systems Design Engineering programs in the Faculty of Engineering.

·     Recipients will be encouraged to engage in outreach activities in their community and/or high school to create pathways for future students and additional financial incentive will be provided to support these endeavours.

Interested in the topic and want to get involved?

·     If you know Black and Indigenous students who will soon be graduating high school, ask them to consider the University of Waterloo and its Computer, Management, Mechatronics, Software or Systems Design Engineering program, and let them know about this scholarship.

·     I have a small but growing group of professionals interested in mentoring these students. If you are passionate about education and work in relevant professions, please reach out!

·     If you are interested and knowledgeable in the topic of diversity and inclusion, I would love to expand my network – please reach out!

Stay tuned for more updates later this year!


Special thanks to the University of Waterloo team for helping put together this scholarship, and my wife for her continued support and trust in me.